
Etsy homepage!

On - Thursday, 8 October 2009
Yeay! We made the homepage of etsy today for the first time, what a fluke I just happened to log in and catch it! It was our 'Flowerbox in Paris' print from a selection I chose to go with 'i do' it yourself's french fancy wedding theme that we're currently updating. ...

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I find your lack of cheese disturbing

On - Tuesday, 11 August 2009
This just made me laugh so much this morning! I'm such a geek. It's from The House of Mouse on Etsy. This just made me laugh so much this morning! I'm such a geek. It's from The House of Mouse on Etsy. ...

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Lovely Lilies

On - Monday, 1 June 2009
It's pouring with rain and freezing cold outside so lets brighten things up with some lovely lilies. This beautiful fabric bag would brighten up any winter day. US$46 from A Touch of Stardust.The latest print from creative monsoon, 'the new lily' $45Sleep in style with this gorgeous lily eye mask, on US$12 from BibBonThis beautiful clutch from IMH Designs will be a great reminder...

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Eiffel inspiration

On - Wednesday, 20 May 2009
It's the 120th birthday of the Eiffel tower. So I thought Id take a look at some handmade Eiffel inspired ideas to add a little je ne se qua to your home.These little plastic Eiffel charms are everywhere and come in a big variety of colours. Try making earrings, necklaces. These two are from Shock Treatment in LA. US$2.25 for two.To celebrate the Eiffel...

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Find of the week: Plastic bag flowers

On - Sunday, 3 May 2009
I cant believe these beautiful daisies are make from plastic bags! So clever! And only US$18 for three. Check out other floral offerings from ffflowers based in the UK. Or maybe you could make your own for mothers day! ...

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Find of the week: PET art

On - Sunday, 26 April 2009
This stuff is amazing. Its all made from old PET bottles by Gilnur Ozdaglar in Turkey. Using scissors, a knifer, soldering iron and an open flame she recycles unwanted bottles into these beautiful jellyfish bowls and jewelry. Check out her etsy shop here.  ...

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On - Thursday, 23 April 2009
Something that I really wasn't expecting to find in the Australian desert was dragonflies. There were masses of them. Wherever there was a patch of water, there were loads dragonflies fluttering about in all sorts of beautiful bright colours.How to look cool while wondering the desert? These canvas field bags from Rainbow Swirlz are a steal at US$20 and come in plenty of...

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Find of the week: Paper mache vase

On - Monday, 6 April 2009
I came across this beautiful paper mache vase by Danish mixed media artist Tracy Lorna Nors this week (via sfgirlbybay who did an interview with her). I haven't done paper mache since school - its inspiring me to have a go again.   I came across this beautiful paper mache vase by Danish mixed media artist Tracy Lorna Nors this week (via sfgirlbybay...

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Looking good

On - Thursday, 26 March 2009
Here are some good looking gift ideas that score 20/20 for originality and fun:This pendant light was made by covering an old shade with an eyechart, add a little trim and you're done, instant Drs office chic. Pic from Real Simple.Never forget where you left your glasses again. When glasses are in the tray the eye chart is in focus, when they aren't...

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Babushka, babushka...ya-ya

On - Thursday, 19 March 2009
These cute little guys are everywhere at the moment. Babushka dolls, (also know as matryoshka) originated in Russia and are most commonly know for the nesting dolls in decreasing sizes. But there are so many variations around:I love this take on the Babushka doll by Ferragamo Studio in Florida. She is hand embroidered and decorated with lots of different fabrics and ribbon. A...

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Tea time

On - Saturday, 14 March 2009
Perfect to help unwind after a stressful week - have a nice cup of tea:Full of vintage charm these cheerful tea pot tea-towels will have you putting the dishwasher to one side. Available through SITE. A little birdie once told me someone very senior at the BBC kept a piece of wood on his desk to be used for colour matching his cups of...

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Degas Exhibition - Canberra

On - Thursday, 5 March 2009
There are only a couple of weeks left to see Canberra's Degas - Master of French Art exhibition before it closes March 22nd. As with every popular exhibition there were big crowds gathered around the most well-known works making it difficult to get a good look. And the lighting certainly didn't help much, it was one of the darkest exhibitions I've seen (or not...

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