The old oven alcove works brilliantly as a walk in pantry, it did take me ages to source some simple track and bracket shelving in a shiny silver. Eventually found it tucked away at the back of our local hardware store and used ikea silver shelves. That came to about $250 as opposed to using a matt grey or white system from Howards Storage World which would have been $750. The double bin works great for the doggy food, the rubbish bin is built into the back of the island unit.
We finished it all off with some under shelf wine racks, either side of the fridge, and a vertical herb garden using pots and bars from ikea. And of course my magnetic chalkboard which I've always wanted. Just a sheet of metal from the hardware store painted with chalkboard paint and ikea magnetic storage containers for all of our herbs and spices.
Just a slight improvement on the kitchen before...